They have a menu with different combos and found that two tacos (without sides of any kind) cost more than the burrito combo, which came with the burrito, French fries, chips and salsa and a soda.
Yeah, gonna go with the set. Except ... I don't know anything about burritos. I figured it was just beef in a tortilla, like a taco ... but slightly different somehow. Well, that's a lie. I remember my Spanish teacher going on a rant about burritos and how there is no such thing in Mexico, where she's from, and how it literally translates into "little donkey." I wonder if the person who named it that used donkey meat the first time. Probably not.
Anyway, so I order my set and the chips and salsa come out pretty quickly.
So, remember, I'm not a Mexican person, so I wasn't too happy that the sour cream was dumped in the bowl with the salsa. However, lucky for me, it was not sour cream like back home. It wasn't even that sour (I assume sour cream should somewhat sour). The chips weren't salty enough, but then again, I'm from the South, where everything is covered in salt ... or sugar. Anyhow, the salsa was nice and chunky. I wanted more, but that 2,000 won charge for another basket like this kept me at bay.
Actually, it would be nice to see nachos on that menu, but I guess it's not since cheese is rather expensive here. The fries were okay. Nothing special. But that burrito ... was weird. I was surprised to find beans and rice inside - not expecting that at all. It's been awhile, so you may have forgotten how picky I am, but beans and I ... no. What I could really go for are cheese enchiladas, but fat chance since they don't even have nachos.
Other than having surprises inside, it wasn't too bad. With the chips (and salsa), fries and drink, I could only eat one of these halves. The other saved well enough for lunch the next day.
The only other thing I can say about the food is that it went cold really fast. That is partly due to the fact that I sat in a windowed area, but in that case, you have to consider it in the design.
While I wouldn't be opposed to trying their food again, their prices will definitely keep me at bay.